RAMP Card Use Instructions

For any purchases made with the card, you will need to post specific information on RAMP:

  1. Upload the itemized receipt (photo or scan of paper receipts, screenshot or PDF of digital receipts)

  2. Enter a brief description of the purchase in the “memo” area

  3. Choose the “account” that the purchase falls under (i.e. – office supplies, honoraria, advertising and promotion, etc.)

The most convenient way to enter the information and upload receipts is through the RAMP app on your phone (app thumbnail pictured on the left). You can quickly and easily snap a picture of your receipt and enter the details right on the spot after your purchase. It takes less than a minute. You can also upload receipts and enter information through the RAMP website on your computer. 

To help in identifying the “account” for a purchase, you can reference the Equipt Chart of Accounts (COA). The current COA is located here. You will see each account listed as well as a description of the kinds of purchases that should fall under that account. 

We ask that you keep up with entering the receipts and memo/account information for purchases on at least a weekly basis. This is important because expenses won’t show in Sola until they are completed in RAMP and synced on our end. For accounting purposes, everything has to be submitted before we “close out” RAMP on the 4th of each month for the previous month of purchases.

Our Accounting Manager, Tara Rivera, oversees RAMP, and you may occasionally get reminders or questions from her regarding your RAMP submissions. You are welcome to send her any RAMP questions as well. Her e-mail is tara@equiptteam.org.


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