Maroon House

It's a story that remains untold in the history books.

Did you know that people were captured and enslaved on the continents of North and South America, but some of them managed to escape and build diverse communities that still exist today?

These people were called Maroons - they were fugitives from captivity, but they dared to dream and create new societies in the new world.

What makes the Maroon people so remarkable is not their skin color but their heart and mindset. On the surface, they were breaking the rules and risking their lives, but deep down, they had a God-sized vision that they could live free and welcome those who were oppressed. This isn't just another history lesson; it's a model for gospel-driven leadership.

This is the vision that we aspire to instill as we work with those we serve. We aim to show others that there is another way, a more fruitful way, a path to freedom so that they can flourish where God has called them.

So, can we be real for a minute? Most church resources have been designed by white, suburban churches to be used in white, suburban contexts. While we're incredibly thankful for those resources and communities, as black and brown pastors, they haven't really worked for us.

That's where Maroon House comes in.

At Maroon House, we understand the exhaustion of having to adapt to fit into existing church paradigms constantly. We firmly believe that black and brown neighborhoods deserve resources, mentors, and leadership opportunities designed by individuals who share our culture and experiences. Since 2004, we've been actively planting and strengthening churches in some of the most challenging environments across America.

Our mission revolves around three key principles:

1. We aim to instill the courage to be authentically yourself, embracing God's unique design for you, and blazing new trails in your community.

2. We provide guidance to help you clarify your purpose, vision, and mission, ensuring you remain steadfast through the toughest times.

3. We foster connections among black and brown leaders, encouraging authentic conversations, deep friendships, and the support you need to fulfill your divine calling.

Now, you have the opportunity to be part of this journey.

Join us in empowering black and brown leaders to make a lasting impact on their communities. Your support will help bridge the resource gap and ensure urban church leaders can thrive and authentically transform their neighborhoods.

Together, we can make a difference. Support Maroon House today.

To support Maroon House by check, please make checks payable to "Maroon House.” Mail to Equipt, Inc, P.O. Box 1269, Estero FL 33929.